But staying home won't be all bad. Mom said that my cousins are coming to visit this weekend. Cousin Donald sent me a cool e-mail and said that he'd play Pounce catch with me... I'm so excited!!!
The adventures of a domestic short hair house cat and his overactive imagination.
OK.. so Mom is leaving this morning to run errands and who should be on our front step but... Slutty Girl Cat from Two Doors Down!!! Does Mom call me to the door? NO! Does she let Slutty Girl Cat in so that we can get to know each other better? NO! She actually rubbed her belly and told her to go home! In a panic I called Dad, "Dad! Dad! Slutty Girl Cat is outside and Mom left but won't let her in and I can't figure out how to open the door! Come home!!! Come home now!!!" Unfortunately Dad has a pretty important job and he can't leave at just anytime... I think it's in rocket science or brain surgery because sometimes when he's doing something around the house he or mom will remark that it's not either of those things. So anyway, I can't get the door open and eventually Slutty Girl Cat's Mom found out she was outside and came to retrieve her.
I don't see why my Mom couldn't have just let her it. All I want to do is show her what a great life I have (kinda selling myself slowly ya know, let her see how the other half lives and then she'll know she can't live without me). I have bottled water, an automatic feeder that constantly dispenses food, a covered litterbox (I like pooping in private) as well as a catnip cigar, three jingly toys, a way cool scratching post, feathers on a string and my own room! What slutty girl cat wouldn't want to hook up with me???
Anyway, Mom not letting her in is not the worst part. I found out she called her Mom, my grandmother and told her that I had called Dad. I realize I'm contemplating moving into manhood but I certainly don't want my mom discussing it with grand-mewmew!!! How embarassing!!!
That's enough for now... I gotta surf the net for opposable thumbs... maybe if they have some on e-bay I can get the darn door open myself!!!
I've been training to be an ultimate fighter. I think I'd be good at it. Mom is not for it, she thinks I'll get hurt. Dad says he agrees with Mom but I know he secretly thinks it's cool. Sometimes he even helps me train. My training got slowed a bit a few weeks ago when Mom took me to the vet and had my nails clipped -- how rude!!!
The vet is a nice lady. At my last checkup she said that now I have my adult teeth I'm big enough to be tutored and Mom could make an appointment anytime. That's ok, I think Dad is really smart so he can just tutor me at home!