Last week was vacation for Mom and Dad. They went to Washington, DC with my cousins and Grand-Mew-Mew and I went to sleep away camp. They said it was going to be just like a spa... liars!!! It was not like a spa! I had to spend all day in a cage. No massages, no facials, no mud baths. Not to mention there were barking dogs all over the place... I couldn't even get any good beauty sleep.
Well, they got home and I let them know how miserable I was for about the first hour. Then they were super nice! I've gotten lox and lox of lovin'. I can climb all over them anytime I want to. They spent a lot of time cuddling with me this weekend too... so I guess I'll forgive them. However, we're going to seriously discuss new arrangements for me the next time they go out of town!