I had a wonderful Christmas!!! It was so good to be home. I got a ton of presents... in fact I think I got everything on my list. I got catnip and a catnip play pad that I really like. I got a plastic ring that has a mouse in it that I have yet to catch the little guy yet but it's loads of fun to try. I got more pounce treats and lots of little toys in my stocking -- mouse toys, jingly toys, toys that roll, toys that have catnip! I really got into opening presents... and I was really careful to look through the wrapping paper to make sure that nothing went unopened! Christmas day my grand mew mew came over along with my cousins and great Auntie Barb and Uncle Ward! It was so much fun having a house full of people. And grand mew mew and my cousins are still here! I love having so many people to play with!