When Will That Woman Listen To Me!!!
OK... so mom goes to the doctor last week and comes home with this piece of paper with funny looking squiggly lines on it and seems pretty distressed about it. I looked at it and just thought whoever drew it had a lot of trouble drawing a straight line! I heard her talking to Daddy and apparently it was something about her heart and she wanted to go see a car-ologist. I don't know what the car has to do with her heart but since I am trained in CAT scans I gave her a few and she looks pretty good to me. Also, as the one who spends the most time on mom's chest (I love to curl up there for a nap) I assured her everything was fine. She wouldn't listen to me!! Dad has suggested that we eat more fish and I'm totally into that. She's not a big fish fan but is slowly consenting.
I thought with everything extra mom is doing right now she'd forget about taking me to the vet but I looked at her planner today and the 29th I'm going to the vet. I'm still appealing my case to dad -- we guys gotta stick together but so far he's siding with her. I wish she'd listen to me more... life would be so much better!