I got a weekend job. I opened a store at the Renaissance Festival... Cosmos Coin Exchange. Basically I take people's money and exchange it for crap! It's a great racket. Well, this was opening weekend and I was really proud of my booth so I got complimentary tickets for the whole family. It was so embarassing! Harley insisted on having her picture taken with all the cutouts that are for the human kids! She got an audience with the queen... boy she thinks she's hot stuf because of that but the queen talks to everyone. The worst part, Harley was a regular little kissing bandit! She kissed EVERYONE! Talk about the town tramp! Sheesh girl, have some pride in the family name. I was disappointed because I wanted to introduce Mom and Dad to my new friends but I didn't want them to know that the kissing bandit was my sister! My favorite guy, Evil, he hates everything. I thought he was so cool... then my baby sister tamed him... it was so embarassing. He kept crying out "you don't see this" but everyone did. Maybe I should just embrace it and open up a kissing booth next to my coin exchange... puppy kisses $1... it could work.