Can you believe this??? Harley actually graduated from puppy obedience class... give me a break... she had to have cheated on the final exam - she is NOT that well behaved. She definitely was not valedictorian of her class. Mom and Dad seem to think it's a big deal... she got a certificate and got her picture taken in that stupid upside down supper dish. I would not degrade myself enough to put that thing on my head!
On a lighter note... it's Mom's birthday today. I got her some Snoopy Christmas ornaments for the Christmas tree. I got her one that plays music when you hit a button because I love the music playing when I climb the tree. Grand-mew-mew came for dinner tonight and tomorrow she and Mom are going to New York. They are going to see the Lion King on Broadway and I want so bad to go too... these are my people after all! I tried to climb into Mom's bag but she caught me.
I think Dad and I should send Harley to the kennel for the weekend and have a man's weekend but he won't do it.