It's Dad's birthday. Harley says he's 294 in "dog years" - must be that new math I don't understand. I was always much better with words than numbers. Anyway... around here birthdays mean presents. I sat down with Mom and had a heart to heart with her about what to get Dad. I decided I wanted to shop at Outlaw - Dad's favorite cigar shop since Mom was getting him a new humidor. Well... of course Harley had to go along... ugh! Anytime I picked something she's scream "I was going to get him that!!!" Finally Mom made her stick to the cigars (which I had picked!) so I got him a new ashtray. It's so embarassing to shop with her! Everyone was looking at us. The good thing is Dad loved all of his presents. I am kind of ticked that he won't let me store my catnip cigar in his new humidor... it's not like there isn't enough space, and it would keep Harley away from it... oh well... it is his humidor so he makes the rules.