I decided to send a letter to Santa today since I rethought what I really want for Christmas. I know he gets a ton of fan mail so I decided to draw a picture around my letter to make it more attractive so that maybe Santa would be sure to see it. I was feeling pretty good and in the Christmas spirit so I decided to help Harley write a letter too... I can't believe what she wrote... stupid dog!
In case the pictures aren't clear, here is my letter:
Dear Santa,
Here I am setting by my christmas tree. I have not climbed the tree yet. I have been a very good kitty this year. If it's not too much trouble I would like to receive the Lox'x club of the month as a gift. Love, Cosmo
Here's the stupid dog's letter:
Dear Santa,
Whatever Cosmo said I did, I promise it was not me, I was not there. I have been a wonderful puppy full of puppy energy. All I want for Christmas is a bed, maybe some chewys, oooh I know Three Dog Bakery, one of everything. After all I am worth it. Love and kisses.
P.S. Cosmo is a stinky cat.
So much for my Christmas spirit!