My Mom is a scrapbooker... so in her world everything I do is soooo cute. Drives me crazy. I have absolutely no privacy sometimes! The camera makes a noise when she turns it on so when I'm really not in the mood I will run and hide. However, sometimes she just sneaks up on me. Come on... aren't there laws about photographing someone in the bath tub! I would pull the shower curtain except I did that a few times when I was younger... those things aren't really mde out of very sturdy materials and Mom and Dad weren't thrilled about the holes I created. Maybe I'll call the DA and check into filing some sort of photo-stalking charges... but then again, she cleans my litter box and feeds me so if she were to go away my life might not be as cushy as it is now. Perhaps I can reason with her... or just get used to having