OK... so Tuesday night Dad doesn't come home. Gone all night! Did not even show back up Wednesday morning. By my calculations he was gone well over 36 hours. (You'll remember I was gone a mere 20 hours in December) Well... I mention to Mom that Dad broke the rules and stayed out all night... he should have to be tutored too. It's only fair. What kind of an example is he setting if it's ok for him to stay out all night but not me! I sat up all night waiting for him to come home! Every car I heard I ran to the window. Sure enough, Wednesday night he comes sauntering in... LATE. He says he was out of town on "business" so it's ok.
Um, hello... and I wasn't taking care of business when I was out??? He also says he told Mom where he was going before he went.
I DID TOO!!! It's not my fault there is a language barrier (quite frankly she just never listens to me!) He also pointed out that he called to check in while he was gone...
I DON'T HAVE A PHONE!!! They could at least get me one of those Migo phones from Verizon. That way I could call. But no... as it stands, no phone for me, I'm still supposed to have to go and get tutored and nothing happens to Dad. I think Mom likes him best.
On the bright side, my cousins are coming to spend the night tomorrow night. I like having other kids in the house. They are so much fun!