Mom said I was like a real kid (duh! -- what does she think I am, a cat???) that it doesn't matter what you buy me I like the bag it came in the most. It is true, I do like bags. But there are different quality of bags. Target and grocery store bags are ok to bat around at. Small bags are nothing but a nuisance because you can only get a paw in them. However, the other day she brought home the perfect bag. It's bright orange, big enough to sit in and has great rope handles. She got it from some kid named Eddie apparently, I think his last name is Bauer. I have had loads of fun with this bag. Dad asked Mom yesterday when he was cleaning the living room if he should throw it out. HELLO! I do not think so! It is not everyday that you come across a bag of this caliber. It comfortably holds a ten pound cat, it's sturdy enough to jump in and flop over... not to mention with all the abuse I've given it ... not one rip! It had to have been made in the USA... probably by a union worker.