Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm So Embarassed!

Mom got a new feather boa to put on one of the decorations at the house. Well, it was just too tempting for me so I played with it for a while... she got pictures. I'm so embarassed... I hope none of the guys see these. Of course, Harley had to play with it too.. dumb dog, tried to eat it... yuck!

It's A Wrap!

Well, I told you Mom's been shopping... which means I have to do wrapping! I do pretty good with the paper... there is the occasional claw mark but I like to say that's the "Inspected By Cosmo" seals of approval. I wrapped a ton of presents... my dew claw is soooo sore! Not to mention the adhesive stuck in my paws... but those troubles aside I think the packages came out looking pretty nice.

This Cat Has A Whole New Bag...

Actually... this cat has SEVERAL new bags. Thanksgiving is over and for Mom that can only mean one thing... shopping. For me that means NEW SHOPPING BAGS... the good kind... not the cheap plastic Target bags! She came home Friday with SEVEN NEW SHOPPING BAGS. I'm having a blast. Mom puts Harley outside and puts out some bags for me and I can hop in and out and knock them over and hide... it's so great. I got so carried away I didn't wait for her to empty the wrapping paper out of one of them before I climbed in!

Call the Crime Squad!!!

She's trying to kill me!!!! Harley got ahold of the scissors the other day and she was coming at me... I swear that dog has a screw loose! I wanted to call the police and file assault charges but Mom told me I was being a little dramatic. Um, hello! The dog is attempting to carve me into nice kitty filets and she thinks I'm being dramatic!!! Anyway, Mom should have listened to me, the no good dog ate Dad's eyeglasses last night... at least sue her for destruction of personal property!

Friday, November 24, 2006


Grandmew-mew took Mom to New York for her birthday to see The Lion King. They had a great time (even though they didn't take me!) and saw a lot of neat stuff. Mom brought home a lot of brochures and I got really interested in the Museum of Modern Art. I saw some stuff by Andy Warhol... that cat is coooool! Anyway, I thought I'd look great Warholesque so here's my attempt to capture my fifteen minutes of fame (suitable for framing I think!)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Oh My Lord!

Can you believe this??? Harley actually graduated from puppy obedience class... give me a break... she had to have cheated on the final exam - she is NOT that well behaved. She definitely was not valedictorian of her class. Mom and Dad seem to think it's a big deal... she got a certificate and got her picture taken in that stupid upside down supper dish. I would not degrade myself enough to put that thing on my head!

On a lighter note... it's Mom's birthday today. I got her some Snoopy Christmas ornaments for the Christmas tree. I got her one that plays music when you hit a button because I love the music playing when I climb the tree. Grand-mew-mew came for dinner tonight and tomorrow she and Mom are going to New York. They are going to see the Lion King on Broadway and I want so bad to go too... these are my people after all! I tried to climb into Mom's bag but she caught me.

I think Dad and I should send Harley to the kennel for the weekend and have a man's weekend but he won't do it.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

It's Dad's birthday. Harley says he's 294 in "dog years" - must be that new math I don't understand. I was always much better with words than numbers. Anyway... around here birthdays mean presents. I sat down with Mom and had a heart to heart with her about what to get Dad. I decided I wanted to shop at Outlaw - Dad's favorite cigar shop since Mom was getting him a new humidor. Well... of course Harley had to go along... ugh! Anytime I picked something she's scream "I was going to get him that!!!" Finally Mom made her stick to the cigars (which I had picked!) so I got him a new ashtray. It's so embarassing to shop with her! Everyone was looking at us. The good thing is Dad loved all of his presents. I am kind of ticked that he won't let me store my catnip cigar in his new humidor... it's not like there isn't enough space, and it would keep Harley away from it... oh well... it is his humidor so he makes the rules.