Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Collar!!!

I lost my collar the other day when I was "out". There has been much speculation among my parents and other relatives as to exactly what happened to it. The two leading speculations are 1) I lost it in a poker game - collars aren't cheap and mine had a cool bell on it; 2) I left it with a female admirer because it had my name and home phone number on it so she'd know how to get ahold of me. I quite frankly feel no need to divulge all aspects of my life so they will have to continue to speculate on the whereabouts of the aforementioned collar.

But, I do really miss having a collar. I liked it, it was cool. Not to mention I think jingly things really rock. So, Mom stopped and got me a new big boy collar on her way home. This thing rocks! It is black with white paw prints on it and had a black bell and a black round tag that has my name on it .... and MOM'S CELL PHONE NUMBER! Hmmph! Talk about a guy having NOOOO privacy. What if I did lose it because I gave it to a girlfriend. What if in the future I just want someone to copy the number off of it and not give it away... now if they call they'll get my Mom... how embarassing! But other than that it is still way cool and it's nice to have a collar again.

Cool New Stuff

Mom and Dad got this cool new thing from Grand mew mew for Christmas. I don't know what it's called but you put food in it and it warms up. It's really cool to watch. Mom was making popcorn in it the other night and I liked watching the bag get bigger and bigger... I thought for a minute it was going to explode but all of a sudden the noise stopped and the light went off and Mom got the bag out.

I wonder if Dad will teach me to use it?

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Merry Christmas!

I had a wonderful Christmas!!! It was so good to be home. I got a ton of presents... in fact I think I got everything on my list. I got catnip and a catnip play pad that I really like. I got a plastic ring that has a mouse in it that I have yet to catch the little guy yet but it's loads of fun to try. I got more pounce treats and lots of little toys in my stocking -- mouse toys, jingly toys, toys that roll, toys that have catnip! I really got into opening presents... and I was really careful to look through the wrapping paper to make sure that nothing went unopened! Christmas day my grand mew mew came over along with my cousins and great Auntie Barb and Uncle Ward! It was so much fun having a house full of people. And grand mew mew and my cousins are still here! I love having so many people to play with!

It is sooo good to be home!

The morning I got back from my wandering Mom and Dad were going out to grand mew mew's for Christmas eve.... but they made a nice bed for me in front of the tv to relax and rest up. It's so nice to have a nice warm home where they are so happy when you come back!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

I did a bad, bad thing.

I snuck out of the house Friday morning when Daddy left for work. I wanted to go out exploring. I guess when Mommy started looking for me and couldn't find me she got pretty upset and cried. Daddy had to come home to help look for me. Unfortunately, in my exploring I got pretty lost. I even managed to lose my big boy collar and tag. Eventually I found my way back home -- at 4AM! Luckily Daddy had left a window open so he could hear me crying out front and he came and opened the door. I snuggled with Mom for a minute and then went and chowed down. Then I curled up in bed with Mommy and Daddy and snuggled. I told them I was sorry and I wouldn't do it again! It was scary out there! Then it got dark and cold! Mommy said she was sooo happy that I came home but that she is taking me to the vet for tutoring. I guess they either teach you why you shouldn't run away -- believe me Mom I learned that lesson - or maybe orienteering classes so you can find your way back home. Anyhow, Mom's pretty animate that I'm going to do it so I guess I'll have to.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Mom said there are only five more days until Christmas. I am so excited. I've surrounded myself with my holiday things... I've got my Christmas mouse on my scratching post, a Snoopy Santa and a holiday bow. And when those thigs are not enough I go under the Christmas tree... I think Mom and Dad are getting tired of putting the ornaments back on the tree but I don't care... it's fun to play in it and sleep on the soft tree skirt. I'm so excited... I have FIVE presents already under the tree... and I heard Mom tell Dad to be sure to stop at PETCO this week. I got into the bags when they came home the other night from shopping... I found a jar of Pounce treats (that was on my list!) and there was a big cloth thing that smelled good but Mom caught me in the bag before I could figure out what it was. I can't wait for Christmas!!!

My Parents

Mom and Dad got their Christmas photo back. It would have been better if I was in it but I wouldn't wear the stupid matching sweater so I didn't get to be in it. Still, I think it turned out nice so I thought I'd post it on my blog.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Every time a bell rings...

I watched this movie the other day on TMC and they were saying that every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings. WOW! Do you know how many angel wings I have provided running up and down the steps with this bell on my collar??? I wonder if I can get some sort of award for most wings provided... if I run all the way upstairs and then down to the basement that's gotta be ten angels at least! Perhaps the Pope will hear of my wing granting and make me a saint... I can see it... St. Cosmo... but wait, what will I be the patron saint of??? Angel wings??? Jingly things??? I can see I'm gonna have to think of this a bit more.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Here We Are!!!

Here I am with Santa. Mom really likes this picture. She said I did a real good job posing. I don't like my smile in this one but apparently if I show teeth Mom thinks it looks mean. Anyway, meeting Santa was fun. I especially liked the little white ball on the end of his hat... I wish I could have played with it more.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Get Off My Back!!!

I really wish Mom would get off my back. Yes, I climb the Christmas tree... Santa said it was OK... she was there, she heard him... she doesn't need to make a federal case out of it. The broken limb... not my fault, she said herself she bought the tree dirt cheap, what does she expect! And it's not like the limb doesn't go back in it's slot.... I would also like to go on record saying that no ornaments have been broken. That should count for something.

On a lighter note, I got my letter to Santa written today. I asked for a climbing toy, a scratching toy, jingly toys, some cat nip and some pounce.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


It snowed here last night!!! We had at least ten inches!!! I've never seen anything like this before. Mom got to stay home all day with me today. She let me go out on the deck to play in the snow but I wasn't quite sure what to think of it. It was soft but COLD and it disappeared when I touched it. Things started falling around me, I think mom said they were icicles so I hid under one of the deck chairs. I wonder how long it will last.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Oh wow... I was wandering around under the tree... that's under the tree not in it and I noticed a new package... and it was for me!!! It's from Mom and Dad and it's pretty big... it doesn't make a lot of noise and the wrapping paper doesn't taste good but I'm still excited about it. My first Christmas present... I wonder if there will be more... I'll have to keep checking. I'm trying hard to be good... Mom keeps reminding me that Santa is watching... I hope he wasn't looking when I was trying to sharpen my claws on the pink recliner... hmmmm


Oh boy... it wasn't just a story Mom and Dad made up to make me be good... SANTA IS REAL!!! I met him Sunday at the Petco... I even got to have my picture taken with him! He was really cool. He told me that I was a very good boy and that it's OK I climbed the tree (did you hear that Mom!!!) Santa even said he had a cat one time who climbed the tree!!!

Well... now that I know he's real and he said he'd come see me I'm not taking any chances. I'm keeping my stocking close by so that I don't miss him!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

My Cousins Are Here!!!

My cousins Donald and Erika are here for the weekend visiting. They are a lot of fun to have around and I like playing with them. However, I'm always trying to show them how cool I am. Friday night I decided to show them that I can climb the Christmas tree. Mom was not impressed! Dad said something about sibling rivalry but I don't know what he was talking about. Anyway, since I wouldn't stay out of the tree I had to sleep in Mom & Dad's room and didn't have full run of the house... which I didn't think was fair because my cousins were allowed to go anywhere they wanted... if only I had an opposable thumb!